Saturday, March 30, 2013

Welcome to the madness

Welcome to the madness that is my life!

        My name is Caroline Sanchez. I am a 28 yr old  stay at home mom of a crazy 9 month old little boy named Christian. I'm also a step mom to a very intelligent, smart mouthed 8 yr old boy named Ryan. I've been married for two and a half years and it has been a wild ride!

        I never imagined myself being married, let alone having children. Yet, here I am in all of my new mom glory! Baggy sweat pants, sloppy hair and baby food stained T shirt. Ahhh...yes,  a beauty to behold. My nights have returned to some normalcy. No more 3 AM feedings (except when I find myself awake and raiding the refrigerator, in search of a "healthy" snack. What's really healthy at 3 AM?) I try to get a few good hours of "beauty sleep" (who am I kidding?) My days are spent chasing a crawling child around the house, praying that he doesn't fall and crack his head on the hardwood floors, or ingest something that shouldn't have been on the floor in the first place. I cook, I clean but I'm no Martha Stewart! I'm frazzled, I'm cranky and I'm one hundred percent REAL!

        You aren't going to find any eloquent prose here, you will find rants and raves and lots of frustrated venting. I used to have a lot of different outlets but now they seem to be all plugged up with baby devices. Mommy brain is in full effect and I can hardly remember what I ate for dinner yesterday, let alone what used to make me happy.

So just sit back and hold on to your seat because this is just the beginning!

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